COVID-19 Safety

This is an update about my practice and dealing with COVID-19. I am classified as a limited healthcare practice and am required to follow DORA guidelines. It is also extremely important to me to keep you as safe as possible. 

On Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, and Thursdays I offer virtual and in-person therapy. 

To keep everyone as safe as possible my officemates and I are taking the following steps:

 – Please only do in-person therapy if you are healthy (You do not have a fever, possible exposure to COVID-19, sore throat, sudden onset of intestinal problems, or feel sick).

– When you arrive at the office, please stay in your car and text me or wait in our waiting room. Currently, wearing masks is voluntary, if you feel more comfortable with me wearing a mask I am happy to do so.

 – Air purifier with Carbon and HEPA filters will run in my office all day. 

 – Fresh air will be run through my office by way of our HVAC.

 – Sessions are 50 minutes.

 – I have hand sanitizer available.

 – Payment through Ivy Pay is touchless. Ivy Pay is a HIPPA compliant payment system for private practice therapists.

As always, this is a work in progress. Please keep me posted about how this is working for you and feel free to contact me if you have any concerns or questions. 



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